Water Supply and Aggregate Extraction

In our view, “Ontario Case Studies - Water Supply and Aggregate Extraction” is an important adjunct to an earlier study published by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Blackport Hydrogeology Inc. & Golder Associates; Applied Research on Source Water Protection Issues in the Aggregate Industry; Phase I Findings; November, 2006i.)   Its worldwide literature review on aggregate extraction and water supplies found almost no documented scientific evidence that the extraction and processing of stone, sand and gravel represents a threat to drinking water sources. This study, conducted by SENES Consultants, on behalf of OSSGA, expands on that work by examining five case histories in Ontario where aggregate operations have been carried out in close proximity to municipal water wells. In each case there is no evidence to suggest that the aggregate operations have contaminated or depleted these important drinking water sources.

Source Water Protection

OSSGA has been involved in the development of the provincial government's source water protection planning initiative from its inception. Currently, OSSGA has 10 member representatives sitting on various Source Protection Committees (SPCs).

In addition, OSSGA has established an Eyes & Ears Committee to assist OSSGA SPC members and staff gather information and provide expert technical advice on source water protection planning issues as they arise, and a Board Taskforce on Water to develop OSSGA's position.

The support materials posted on this page are intended to educate and assist OSSGA members when addressing issues that arise with respect to source water protection planning. The materials will be updated regularly as new information becomes available, so it is important to visit the website often and download the latest updates as needed.
Weblinks to the websites of the Source Protection Authorities can be accessed at Conservation Ontario - Drinking Water Source Protection. Further information can be accessed at MOE - Drinking Water Ontario.

Generic Presentations 

OSSGA EBR Submissions

OSSGA SWP Workshop


OSSGA Policy Papers and Submissions