Industry Recognition Awards

Please contact Carly Holmstead for more information.

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The OSSGA  Industry Recognition Awards Program recognizes a wide range of activities that contribute to a progressive image of our member aggregate producers and the aggregate industry as a whole.  A key goal is to raise the bar in the industry by highlighting operations that go above and beyond what is required by legislation.

Enter Your Submission Online

Submissions are due November 7th, 2025. We are also asking for submissions to be posted to the website. If you need the password, please contact Eva DaSilva or Sharon Armstrong.

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Industry Recognition Awards

Each of the awards is described briefly below, and members are invited to download a copy of OSSGA Industry Recognition Awards Program Guide for full details of submission requirements.

  • The Award of Excellence
    • The most commonly sought after awards include those described in the next three sections below: Community Relations, Progressive Rehabilitation and Property Enhancement.  A site that receives all three of these awards is eligible to receive the OSSGA Award of Excellence.  This award is reserved for the most dedicated of operators, those who have consistently demonstrated not only exceptional operations, but also the desire to work closely with all stakeholders to build communities from the ground up.

      The OSSGA Award of Excellence recognizes member operators' past and ongoing commitment to industry improvement.  The award is given to operators whose individual operations have previously been awarded OSSGA's Property Enhancement Award (including the plaque and all seven gold bars), the Progressive Rehabilitation Award, and the Community Relations Award.

  • Community Relations Award
    • This award is designed to recognize community relations efforts. The award is based on four (4) criteria: 

      1. Being a Good Neighbour
      2. Community Involvement
      3. Media Relations
      4. Community Education 

      This award is a pre-requisite for the OSSGA Award of Excellence.

  • Property Enhancement Award
    • This award recognizes ongoing site improvements in seven sections:

      1. Entrance Approach and Perimeter Screening
      2. Office and Scale House Areas
      3. Employee Areas
      4. Plant Appearance
      5. Environmental Controls
      6. Trucks and Mobile Equipment
      7. Communicative Signage 

      A plaque is awarded to a site that initially meets the minimum requirements in each section. There are seven gold bars that can be added to the plaque as all the criteria for each section are met. Once the initial plaque has been awarded, completion of the section criteria can be accomplished over a number of years. The award is a pre-requisite for the OSSGA Award of Excellence.

  • Progressive Rehabilitation and Judges' Choice Award
    • This award recognizes ongoing progressive rehabilitation at a site in accordance to the original site plans and operational designs. This award is a pre-requisite for the OSSGA Award of Excellence.

      A Judges' Choice Award  is also given to the best example(s) of progressive rehabilitation from among all the applications.

  • Outstanding Achievement in Property Rehabilitation Award
    • This award recognizes final rehabilitation. A panel of government and agency experts reviews award submissions.

  • Environmental Achievement Award
    • The Environmental Achievement Award recognizes the efforts of individual operators who have proactively and successfully developed and implemented industry-leading policies, programs or projects that protect and/or improve the environment.

      For the purposes of this award, environment refers to natural heritage including: air, land, water, flora and fauna and ecological systems.

  • Biodiversity Award
    • The Biodiversity Award recognizes industry leaders who go well beyond the standard practices and typical activities undertaken by members of the industry to conserve biodiversity. 

      Eligible entries will include industry-leading policies, programs or projects that align with the goals of Ontario's Biodiversity Strategy, 2011.