Personalized Training

Did you know OSSGA will come to your site and train your employees, on your equipment?

Exclusive Training Opportunities

OSSGA can develop exclusive training opportunities for individuals, teams or your entire organization. OSSGA will work with you and our certified trainers to develop the training you require, when you need it.

Contact Julie Harrington today to book your training!

Safety First

OSSGA is able to offer training even under strict lockdown protocols per Ontario regulation 82/20 section 58. Numerous health and safety measures are used during all training sessions and include the completion of health forms, temperature taking, mandatory masks wearing and hand sanitizer use. Class sizes are limited to ensure safe physical distancing.

Meeting Your Needs

Certified training is led by experienced and government qualified instructors. These modules include both theory and practical training. Participants who successfully complete the training and test will receive a record of certified training.receive a record of certified training.

Training on your site, on your equipment!

Reach out to our Director of Training and Events.

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