OSSGA Committees

At OSSGA, our mission is to serve as the trusted voice of Ontario's aggregate industry. Through our dedicated committees, we work together to advance our strategic objectives, uphold industry standards, and advocate for responsible practices. Each committee plays a vital role in supporting OSSGA’s vision and ensuring the continued success and integrity of Ontario's aggregate sector.

Our committees meet quarterly.

Interested in joining? Contact Eva Da Silva to learn more.

  • Awards
    • The awards committee is dedicated to creating a standardized process for awards, increasing member engagement, and elevating the visibility of notable but less frequently highlighted awards.

  • Environment
    • The Environment Committee addresses emerging environmental issues and focuses on monitoring and providing input on government initiatives related to the environment and sustainability. The Environment Committee tracks and shares advancements in technology, environment, and industry practices, coordinates an annual pit and quarry tour for Ministry of Environment reviewers, hosts an Environmental Management workshop, and develops environmental publications and communication material.

  • Health & Safety
    • The Health and Safety Committee reviews and provides input to the Ministry on industry concerns related to health and safety. The committee supports the annual OSSGA Health and Safety Seminar, organizes the Health and Safety Awards, updates, and communicates best practice guidelines, and regularly communicates safety updates to members.

  • Land Use Planning
    • The Land Use Planning Committee is responsible for monitoring and commenting on provincial and municipal legislation, policies, and processes related to land use planning. This involves advising OSSGA on positions, referrals, and responses to the Ontario Land Tribunal, as well as reviewing and commenting on planning initiatives at various levels.

  • Operations
    • The Operations and Technology Committee educates and informs OSSGA members on advancements in aggregate operations and technology. It facilitates the exchange of best practices through events and networking opportunities while identifying emerging industry trends. Additionally, the committee ensures members stay informed about the current state of operations in the province.

  • Rehabilitation
    • The Rehabilitation Committee focuses on understanding and communicating provincial rehabilitation data, develops and shares rehabilitation-related guidance and advancements with members, addresses rehabilitation-related misinformation, promotes industry rehabilitation achievements through communication and the annual OSSGA Rehabilitation Tour, and evaluates potential Bronze Plaque sites.

  • Specifications
    • The Specifications Committee collaborates with members and the MTO to ensure high-quality materials, both virgin and recycled, meet performance standards. They update specifications as needed and work with CCIL and CSA to maintain Quality Control and Assurance standards. Additionally, the committee oversees Life Cycle Assessments and Environmental Product Declarations for aggregates in Ontario, ensuring accurate data is available to members.

  • Transportation
    • The OSSGA Transportation Committee plays a crucial role in advocating for efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation solutions within the aggregate industry. It works closely with government agencies, industry stakeholders, and regulatory bodies to address key challenges such as weight compliance, driver shortages, truck parking, and infrastructure modernization. In the past, the committee has been instrumental in advancing the On-Weight Database, securing funding and support to improve enforcement and reduce inefficiencies. It also actively engaged with the DriveON modernization program, transitioning vehicle inspections to an automated system to curb fraud and enhance road safety. Through continuous advocacy and data-driven initiatives, the OSSGA Transportation Committee ensures that the industry can efficiently and responsibly transport aggregates while supporting Ontario’s infrastructure development.