Health & Safety

The aggregate industry is committed to providing a safe,
healthy, and prosperous working environment where
each individual takes responsibility for the well being of each other.

OSSGA and the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association

Under the IHSA 'Aggregates' section, you can find resources pertaining to hazards, dust control, best practices, training, and safety talks.

Click here to access IHSA Aggregate Resources

Health & Safety Awards

Every year, the OSSGA Health & Safety Committee invites all active OSSGA members to recognize individuals and operations within their organizations that have excelled at making safety a part of their daily responsibilities by applying for an OSSGA Health and Safety Award. 

To apply for an OSSGA Corporate Safety Award recognizing Zero Lost Time Injuries (LTI) for individual operations, please click here

To apply for the OSSGA Individual Safety Certificate, please click here

Safety Innovation Award

OSSGA’s Safety Innovation Award recognizes innovative practices, programs and projects in Ontario’s aggregate industry. The award honours innovations that improve the health and safety of employees, subcontractors and the public in the areas of OHS management systems, health and safety training, wellness programs and culture.