OSSGA's Commitment to Reconciliation

One of the three pillars of OSSGA’s Strategic Plan (2024-2027), Building Enduring Relationships, includes building and strengthening relationships with Indigenous Communities. OSSGA’s commitment is demonstrated through:

Fostering respectful relationships

OSSGA staff has met with Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and Six Nations of the Grand River to listen and learn about their history and discuss how we can develop a mutually respectful relationship. Additional meetings with First Nations are in the process of being scheduled.

Promoting meaningful partnerships

Elder Whabagoon, with the Loon Clan, Keeper of Sacred Pipes, and a member Obishikokaang, LacSeul First Nation officially launched the OSSGA Conference and AGM in February 2024. OSSGA’s newest video (released in August 2024) which captured the association’s commitment to working closely with Indigenous Communities, contained a soundtrack by an Indigenous composer and was narrated by Waneek Horn-Miller from the Kahnawake Mohawk Territory. Waneek is also a keynote speaker at OSSGA’s Operations Health and Safety Seminar in January 2025.

Supporting principles of reconciliation

The aggregate industry is committed to working toward reconciliation. We support increasing the aggregate levy with a portion allocated to First Nations. We are committed to working with the province to developing a revenue sharing model through the levy that benefits First Nations with pits and quarries in their traditional and treaty territories.