OSSGA Publications

OSSGA Commercial Aggregate and Membership Directory (Source Book)

The OSSGA Commercial Aggregate and Membership Directory is a comprehensive guide to OSSGA, its members, industry suppliers, industry related companies and associations, and key government ministries. Full-colour, pull-out aggregate resource location maps are also included. This publication is designed to assist members access their industry colleagues. It's an invaluable reference guide to members and non-members.

Source Book (Member Rate)

$17.00 shipping & handling charge included


 + 13%

Source Book (Non-Member Rate)

$17.00 shipping & handling charge included


 + 13%

OSSGA Materials Reference Guide (2016)

The Materials Reference Guide has been updated for 2016. The booklet includes updated aggregate specification tables, definitions, aggregate tests, sample testing aggregates, conversions and statistics, and a metric reference for sieves.

Materials Reference Guide (Non-Member Rate)

$3.00 shipping & handling charge included


 + 13%

Materials Reference Guide (Member Rate)

$3.00 shipping & handling charge included


 + 13%

GravelFact Brochure Series

OSSGA has created new GravelFact sheets on the aggregated industry, water management, rehabilitation, dust and blasting.  These are available as PDFs or as printed copies for your tours and public meetings.

GravelFact Brochure Series - 500 copies

Order 500 copies all five GravelFact Brochures to use at open houses and on tours.


 + 13%

GravelFact Brochure Series - 250 copies

Order 250 copies all five GravelFact Brochures to use at open houses and on tours.


 + 13%

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