Wetlands Conservation Review

Over the past year MNRF has been conducting a review Wetland Conservation Policy in Ontario.  This page provides links to the final policy that was released in 2017, as well as OSSGA responses to the policy as it was being developed.  The page is organized chronologically, with the final Wetland Strategy at the top.

A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario is a framework to guide the future of wetland conservation across the province. The intent of the Strategy is to establish a common focus to protect wetlands, so that Ontario can achieve greater success in a more efficient and effective manner.

The Strategy itself includes two sections. The first section covers what wetlands are, the state of wetlands in Ontario, and the variety of legislation,  regulations, policies, guidelines, programs and partnerships that support wetland conservation across the province. The second section describes the new Wetland Conservation Strategy, including a clear vision, goals and desired outcomes, and a series of actions the Ontario government will undertake.

OSSGA strongly supports the development of a strategic plan for the conservation of wetlands in Ontario and we offer the following response to the MNRF`s proposed 15-year blueprint, A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario. The aggregate industry plays a valuable role in the protection and potential creation of Ontario’s biodiversity.

Over the last 12 months, the Ontario Home Builders' Association, Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Ontario Waterpower Association, Ontario Stone, Sand & Gravel Association, Canadian Wind Energy Association, Canadian Solar Industries Association and Ducks Unlimited Canada (Ontario) have met on several occasions to discuss our common interests in advancing wetland conservation in Ontario.  This paper summarizes the key points arising from our most recent discussions and previous joint submissions.

OSSGA strongly supports the development of a strategic plan for the conservation of wetlands in Ontario.  In fact,  aggregate operations have created wetlands through rehabilitation that have subsequently been classified as provincially significant. Download OSSGA's response to the Wetland Conservation Discussion Paper here. 

The Government of Ontario is seeking feedback from Ontarians to help identify challenges and opportunities associated with wetland conservation in Ontario. This input will be used to inform develop­ment of a Strategic Plan for Ontario Wetlands that will guide the government’s actions over the next 15 years.


OSSGA Policy Papers and Submissions